Sustainability Workshop

By Millie McCarthy Transition Year
Sustainability Workshop

Today the TY students had a workshop on sustainable foods. Devin O Sullivan from FEAST Ireland delivered the workshop. He owns a social enterprise where he works to improve food education in Ireland. Every year Devin visits lots of schools all around Ireland educating students and teachers.

When Devin came in today he started by giving us a presentation on his work and a general overview on sustainable food practices in Ireland. We learnt about the different food practices and how unsustainable the Irish food industry is.

After the presentation it was time to eat the food. Today Devin brought in Oysters, Pickled vegetables, Seaweed and Sea herbs, sourdough bread with zero waste chutney and granola with Greek yogurt. Most people tried the food and the reactions varied. We also learnt how to make our own kombucha and how to pickle vegetables to prevent them going bad.

The workshop was very insightful and I think everyone learnt a lot. Some of the information we were thought was very shocking such as the fact that it is illegal to sell wild salmon in most of Europe.

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